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My Imperfections Make Me Real not Perfect
Today I am recalling my ups and downs and what I have learnt from them, just trying to put into words. I appreciate everyday for the changes I have made in my life. If anyone is going to read this piece of mine, I hope you'll learn something.
Stop pretending that you are happy because of others. Believe me, I have done this lots of time in my life. It is said that, "Bringing smile on others will give you satisfaction". But its only happen with your family, parents and loved ones. I have learnt that If I'am not happy doing anything, how it could be satisfying and how does it matter. So, just stop pretending that you are OK doing such things for the sake of others to keep them happy. Sometimes, you have to break their heart to save yours.
I don't wanna admit, but yes, I have changed myself a lot because my old version was too weak, too emotional, too expressive, or less confident and list goes on. So, I built a strong mentality and changed myself to step ahead with confidence in the world.
I have struggled a lot for many things in my whole life. And let me tell you, I'm still struggling but now for my own happiness. Want to be happier, do what makes you happy and whatever you want to do in your life but of course without harming anyone..!!!
In my life I have learnt it, people won't always understand you and your situation, because at the end they all are going to judge you. So don't expect much to the people you meet in your life. Give time to yourself and accept this reality as soon as possible you can, because that's life.
If I talk about friendship, let me tell you very straight, I don't have any best friend and I think I never had. I had selfish people around me always, but I didn't recognize them earlier. Yeah, I know, I am being harsh but its my reality. But now, I can read their mind. Sometimes I feel like, I was so stupid because I had trusted them but I believe in, 'whatever happens, always happens for a good cause.
I have gone through this, lots of time in my life and specially at night. Questioned myself for every single mistake and judged myself, my worth and let me tell you its the worst thing I have done in my life. But now I believe, whatever happens, happens, don't take stress because we can't undo things. All we can do is, learn from our experiences and think positive.
Self respect is respecting yourself. Actually there is a very thin line between self respect and ego and me like other people always forget the differences between them. These words look so simple but its really complex. So let me tell you, I have used 'self respect' word tons of times in my life and now I find it a tricky word. After my marriage, I stopped using this word because now its all about us (me and my husband), there is no space for I, Me or Main......!!
Being parents is not easy actually its really tough. Sometimes, I thought my parents don't love me and they love my brother more than me. The way they support my brother, its just unfair for me. A lot of time, I was upset because of the differences between me and my brother and I think I still have the same feelings with me. But one thing I know that my parents have always respected my feelings, my decisions and supported me a lot. Like I belong to a small city but still I got the freedom always and lived my life on my own conditions. before judging anyone, ask yourself are you a good or ideal son/daughter for them. I hope you got the answer. So do respect and love your parents because that's they need the most.
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