Every woman keeps her entire world in her handbag but there is no need to be walking around with a heavy bag.
No women should leave her place without her handbag. You'd be surprised how much easier your life will be when you start carrying this important stuff in your handbag. This is just a list of things I am referring you to keep in your bag that will keep you organize and will make your life much easier.
Keep scrolling to know the things that will you need throughout the day:-
Sanitizer/ Cream
Well, Sanitizer is the most important thing and must for everyone. We use to wash our hands' lots of times a day but there is a huge number of bacteria exist at a particular time at our hands. Sanitizer has 60-80% quantity of alcohol which helps in a great extend to kill the maximum number of germs. Hand sanitizer is a need for everyone’s hand to keep bacteria at bay for a longer period of time. Hand cream is also a must to keep your skin moisturized.
Wallet with ID, and Cash
Of course! We need some cash for our needs wherever we stay at home or go out somewhere. A woman loves shopping, street foods, discounts and hanging out with friends. And for sure none want to stand alone in between the friends and wishing I hope I would have carried some cash along with me. A woman never knows what she desires or when she desires. Money is the only solution for our all the needs.
Water bottle
Staying hydrated whole day is more important for your wellbeing. Keeping a small bottle of water will also remind you to drink more H2O every time you open your bag. This whole procedure will make you feel fresh and hydrated. Your skin will also thank you for drinking enough water as per your body needs.
Healthy snack
In case you get stuck somewhere where you cannot just escape outside and buy a proper meal. Try to keep the healthy snacks in your bag is the best way to stay well fuelled until your next meal. It also boosts your nutrition and metabolism and keeps you satisfied throughout the day.
Power bank/Charger
Your gadgets run out of battery while you’re on the go, how does it sound? More frustrating and dangerous right! Whether you need to call your friends or want to book your cab, staying charged up is a modern necessity when you’re out of the house. For better results, you should carry a power bank or charger along with you girls.
Lipstick/ Lip balm
Lipstick plays a vital role in our daily life. Nothing makes you feel more feminine and gorgeous than lipstick. It is indispensable to complete your overall look when it comes to grabbing attention. Every woman must-haves in her purse whenever she leaves her front door. Spruce up your look and stay colorful with this secret weapon.
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